


April seemed to last forever. It was filled with lots of ups and downs. Some months are just like that and its like a deep feeling of relief when they are over. The biggest moment was earlier in the month when my dear grandfather past away. It felt sudden even though he had been sick for awhile, I guess I had not fully admitted to myself that his time was coming to a close. He will me missed greatly and still having a hard time believing he is gone.

April brought the sunshine, spring showers, early blooming lilacs, lush tall grass and the swallows. Amidst all its chaos it sure was a pretty month.  

I re-released an older rucksack style which sold quite fast as I have not had many rucksacks available for awhile but it made me realize that I need to get them back in my shop full-time. So I am shooting for June - July to release a new backpack design. 

My dear friend Piper added a bunch of lovely new items to her knit-wear shop this month. If you are looking for a new tank for the summer then check out this pretty one

I now have officially listed to every Woolful podcasts and anxious each week for the newest one. If you are in anyway interested in textiles, fiber, wool then check out woolful.com if you have not already. So many inspiring and amazing people from allover the world. I love listening to them while working. Any podcasts you would recommend? I find them to be so awesome while working but always on the hunt for new ones. 

Now I am determined to start knitting again since listening to so many inspiring knitters but where is the time?? anyway I have lots of side passions which normally get swept under the rug but this summer I am really going to try and knit an item from start to finish and also hope to start sewing more clothes. These are lofty goals as I really have no free time but I am going to try. My plan is to start knitting this cowl with a free purlbee pattern. Purlbee has loads of awesome knitting and sewing patterns free online so check them out if you are looking for a fun craft project this spring! 

I will be adding a collection of new items on Sunday to the BB shop. A bit late but the little bug is sick so photo taking, editing and writing new listing descriptions has been a bit delayed. 

Well onto a new month! Happy May Day and hope you find lots of beautiful and fragrant flowers this weekend! 

x Lissa 

* above is a selection of photos from this week around our home and studio 

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