3/52 + New Website


“A portrait of my baby, once a week, every week, in 2014.”
 Owynn Grey: Its all about hands this week. Our poor little guy is having lots of teething pain.  
 Linking up with Jodi



So my new website is up! I am still getting used to using it. You might have noticed it already but if not then check it out!  Thanks to Kate for making me such a pretty site. I think if you were already signed up to receive blog posts from my old blog then you should receive blog posts like you normally would. But if you are having any trouble signing up or getting my posts please let me know.


I traveld to Portland this past week with Kyra so I am just getting back into the home routine again. We had an awesome time! It was so nice to visit Mali and Piper. We celebrated Kyra's birthday, ate so much yummy food, found some very pretty shops, walked everywhere and passed Owynn back and forth until our backs had enough. I so wish I had brought the stroller. The backpack carrier has been amazing but it is time to save my back and start using our stroller more. City life is so great, part of me wishes I still lived in one but also love it here on our tiny island. So for now I just visit cities and enjoy it so much!