Summer Days

 Warm wishes to you on this summer solstice day! The first day of summer and the sun in know where to be seen. June is often a mystery month with the weather around here. July is when the sun really begins to stick around. But we have been blessed this past spring with weeks of sunshine and nights of cool rain. Our gardens are plump with fresh flowers, veggies and happy weeds that seem to take over more each day. My skin is already freckly from the spring sun, warm winter coats are tucked away and glass jars are full of sweet pea and daisy flowers. 
Today marks the beginning of a new season as well as the time I being my 3rd and final trimester. This is my last season before a babe will be in our arms. Excitement grows each days and our little one is becoming more busy as the days go on, lots of endless somersaults and little kicks. I hope you have a beautiful summer and enjoy the shortest night of the year tonight! 

 ~Photos are from early June: Friends at the beach, on a hunt for Agates