2 months old

Our little Owynn Grey is now 2 months old. He has changed so much from 2 months ago. He went from being this little quiet bundle to an active and curious baby so quick. He has already doubled his birthweight and those cheeks seem to get rounder each day. We go for lots of walks through out the day. They help put him to sleep and I enjoy getting out into the cool fresh air. Then I come inside with him in the backpack and try and get a few things done bouncing him along the way. But before long he begins to awake and nursing time begins. Our cabin is tiny and I think him as well as me gets cabin fever pretty quickly so outside time is important for us. Not to mention our only heat is a wood stove so it can get a bit too hot in there for the little guy. I am so excited to see what this next month brings. I am just trying to cherish every moment because already he has grown so much. 

Today was the first day we started using cloth diapers. It feels so much better to be using a reusable diaper then simply tossing a used diaper into the garbage. I am hoping I can keep using cloth diapers but we do not have a good water supply. We have to pump water over from our neighbor's well each week so we really do not have water to waste. And as I have heard cloth diapers defiantly use a bit of water for cleaning. Also we do not have hot water hooked up to our washer so this adds another challenge. But I am pretty determined to use cloth diapers so I have thought of a few solutions, it might take a bit more work but I think worth it. 

Happy November all!