hello july...

 Wow another month has come and gone, life seems to run at a rapid speed these days. I think we are all feeling that way. I spent most the day yesterday sewing up new bags, and doing a little photo-shoot with them. Also we managed to fit in a little beach time. We headed down to a favorite beach nearby and took a quick dip in the ocean before heading back to work. So July as you come I hope you bring many hot summer days and, cool walks in the forest and picnics galore! So many goals for July, but mostly hoping by the end of it to be moved into the studio. I know I have not posted any photos of it,,, but I promise to soon. Painting should happen next week if all goes as planned. Happy July Friends and check out Oana's beautiful July calendar. Every month she posts such a pretty calendar. I find them super useful as my desktop image. So long... 

~ The orgnaic canvas tote pictured in the first couple photos, my new favorite summer bag